Jul 4, 2009

By Jon Flint, NPA Steering Committee Member - Ward 4, Tracy Dr, jon.j.flint@gmail.com
Thu, 02 July 2009
By Jon Flint, NPA Steering Committee Member - Ward 4, Tracy Dr, jon.j.flint@gmail.com
Thu, 02 July 2009
Below is the formal Neighborhood Planning Assembly resolution on Disc Golf at Leddy Park. It will be voted on at the July 16th NPA meeting. Resolutions formally communicate the opinion of residents from Wards 4&7. If you wish to participate in this process, please attend the NPA meeting July 16th at the Heineberg Senior Center at 6:45 p.m.
Jon Flint
WHEREAS the discussion about disc golf at Leddy Park has been a high profile issue for nine months in the new North End, and
WHEREAS testimony by professional naturalists has predicted that the introduction of disc golf would have a serious negative impact on the vitality of the Leddy Park woods and the integrity of the diverse ecolgical structure of those woods, and
WHEREAS testimony by numerous citizens who have been using the trails in the woods since the city acquired the property in 1971 suggests that the introduction of disc golf would effectively displace general pedestrian use of the woods, and
WHEREAS Mayor Kiss in an open letter to the Parks and Recreation Commission has stated, "...disc golf in not an appropriate activity for Leddy Park in the areas where it's proposed and I recommend against it...Open space at Leddy park--in this case the woods in question--isn't wasted space...It's clear that Burlington residents use the Leddy Woods for recreation and disc golf carved out of the woods is likely to be an intrusion on this use."
WHEREAS Wayne Gross, the director of the Department of Parks and Recreation in an open letter to the Commission has written,"...my view is that the development of the disc golf course, regardless of size and exact location, would have a significant adverse impact on the woodlands of Leddy Park. Given the strong public support for preserving the natural qualities of these woodlands, I recommend that a disc golf course not be built in Leddy Park."
WHERAS at its meeting on May 19 the Commission voted to continue the already nine months long evaluation of the appropriateness of disc golf at Leddy Park by shifting the discussion appropriateness of a nine hole course in contrast to an eighteen hole course, therefore
LET IT BE RESOLVED that disc golf is not appropriate for Leddy Park and will not be authorized in the Park.
NPAs influence public policy in several ways. One way NPAs express their sentiments and concerns about particular issues is in the form of resolutions. These resolutions are then distributed to the Mayor, City Councilors and appropriate City departments and commissions, ensuring that elected officials and Department heads know what residents are thinking about particular issues before they make decisions. Neighborhood Planning Assembly resolutions are shared with Steering Committee members of other Neighborhood Planning Assemblies in order to keep each other informed about their opinions on issues or projects of public concern.
NPAs influence public policy in several ways. One way NPAs express their sentiments and concerns about particular issues is in the form of resolutions. These resolutions are then distributed to the Mayor, City Councilors and appropriate City departments and commissions, ensuring that elected officials and Department heads know what residents are thinking about particular issues before they make decisions. Neighborhood Planning Assembly resolutions are shared with Steering Committee members of other Neighborhood Planning Assemblies in order to keep each other informed about their opinions on issues or projects of public concern.
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