Dear Supporter of Woodland Preservation at Leddy Park,
I’m happy to announce that this is my final update on disc golf in Leddy Park. I've realized that many of you may not have not heard about the recent and definitive outcome on the disc golf controversy, and after all your support and effort, I want to be sure you hear the good news.
It's official - there will be no disc golf course of any size constructed in Leddy Park.
On June 1, 2009 the Burlington City Council passed a resolution on disc golf in Leddy Park that referred the disc golf matter to the Council’s Parks, Arts and Culture Committee (PACC). On March 8, 2010 a memo was issued by PACC communicating their unanimous decision to not allow disc golf in Leddy Park, and this communication was then accepted by the City Council. A copy of this memo can be found on LeddyPark.org:
The efforts of several public officials were instrumental in achieving this outcome and I’d like to recognize the service of the following people:
- Former City Councilor, Russ Ellis.
- City Councilors Kurt Wright, Paul Decelles, Nancy Kaplan, Vince Dober, Karen Paul, and Mary Kehoe.
- Parks & Recreation Commissioners: Dave Hartnett and John Ewing.
- Former Parks & Recreation Department Director, Wayne Gross.
- Mayor, Bob Kiss.
- Parks & Recreation Disc Golf Working Group members: Joanne Hunt, Pat Kearney , and Greg Jenkins
Thank you all!
You can continue to support preservation of the Leddy Park woodland areas by joining Friends of Leddy Park. Friends of Leddy Park is a volunteer group that works to provide leadership in ongoing preservation and stewardship efforts in the natural areas of the park.
Friends of Leddy Park is organizing the Green-Up Day efforts in the park this Saturday, May 1 at 9:00AM. Meet at the tennis courts. Bags and plastic gloves will be provided, or bring your own. Young and old, and in-betweens, all are invited and welcome.
If you can’t come to the Green-Up Day event and want to learn more about Friends of Leddy Park or just want to be included on meeting notices please reply to this message or drop me a note at k.mark.barlow@gmail.com .
Mark Barlow