Mar 8, 2009

Working Group vote:

NO, Yes with recommendations, or YES?

Abbi Jaffe 03/04/09 10:22 AM

Hello Leddy Park Disc Golf Working Group members,

We are in the final leg of our journey together. We have built a
great team and I believe we can be successful in completing our stated goal of making recommendations to the Parks n Rec Commission. I believe that we can reach some shared agreements and that we can find closure in our process.

Later today I am going on vacation, away from cell phones and email for 10 days. I want to give you some idea of what our last meeting could entail. I will continue to distill our process and find the best way to close our time together.

Our goal (the meeting facilitation team), before we meet again, is to get you the big picture of how this process will go after we make our recommendations. Specifically,

~ will disc golf be on the agenda of the next Parks n Rec Commission meeting?

~Will they be, when will they, or have they already decided anything about Disc Golf at Leddy Park? Disc Golf in Burlington in general?

~Who has the power to decide?

~Who has the last say? (Parks n Rec or City Council?)

~Will the Parks 'n Rec Commission automatically pass this over to City Council?

~Will City Council pass this issue over to the voters?

We don't know the answers, but we hope to reach some clarity before meeting again.

Homework: You (working group members and B-town Disc Golf advisers) came up with some homework that I think can be a helpful way for us to start our meeting together (after public comment). You assigned yourself with making a short statement about your opinion on this matter. You will have 2 minutes to share your thoughts about disc golf at Leddy Park, this process, or public process in general. Yes, I will 'beep' when your 2 min are up.

This group was charged with responding to the issues brought up by the public about Disc Golf at Leddy Park and making recommendations to the Parks n Rec Commission. This group has thought deeply about the issues. If the project gets approval then we will have wanted to have had our say. I believe we can agree on some recommendations about how a project like this should be implemented.

Homework: Go through the past meeting minutes. Review the recommendations/suggestions that we have brainstormed. At our next meeting we will have a brainstorm session where you can choose to bring those recommendations forward, or come up with other recommendations. The rest of that hour will be spent looking for the recommendations we can all agree on.

Just a DRAFT Agenda

-Meeting Set-Up: (review minutes, hear back from B-town Disc Golf... agree on agenda)
-Public Comment: Only 15 minutes will be allowed for public comment.
-2 Min Working Group Statements: you will have 2 min to share your opinion
-Agree on recommendations should disc golf get passed at Leddy Park (we will submit this to the Parks n Rec Commission)
-Vote on yes, no, yes with our recommendations
-Agree on recommendations about the future of this process
-Agree on recommendations about the future of public process
-Close meeting

You have been a great group to work with. I know we can have a successful last meeting. Lisa/Warren and I will be in touch with you the week of March 16th.

Thank you,